The next description tells about that, how may happen, if it is answered negatively (The description is from John Bunyan's book. He lived in the 1600s.)

"Why to me was given a chance? Why I had been equipped with the immortal soul? Why cared I so little about it? Oh, how my own neglect incises me fatally, and however I know, that I can't and won't get to die. But to live deadly life is worse than ten thousand deaths, and however once I would have been helped from this, but I didn't want! Oh, this is that nagging worm, which never dies. Once I would have been happy; once to me was offered salvation, but I resisted it. If that would have happened only once, and I would have resisted it, it too would have been unforgivable foolishness, but it was offered thousand of times, and however as often (so lousy I was) I resisted it. Damnable sin, which with its deceitful enjoyment fascinates the mankind to eternal destruction! God called me often, but as often I resisted it. He reached his hands, but I didn't care about it. How often I was against his commands, how often I resisted his reprimands! But now the situation has changed, for now he follows my accident and mocks my ruin, which has come for my part. He could have helped me then, but I didn't want. Therefore these continual pains, are only a reward for my owns acts, which I have been judged to suffer." (Translated from Finnish version)

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